This is our Montessori Study of Red. I decided to transform our previous "organized" play space into a more Montessori friendly educational spot. It was the perfect time for a transformation as Little Bee is at an age to start understanding and learning his colors. We will start by studying the primary colors - Red, Yellow, and Blue. I thought it would be fun to incorporate all the colors of the rainbow. So over time we will cover red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It seemed fitting to start with the color Red.
Little Bee had fun matching the lobster (looks more like a crab) and the wooden strawberry to their matching Pantone color cards. You can see more information about these amazing color cards here.
Above Little Bee has a beautifully displayed discovery basket full of red objects. Jennifer also shares several beautiful and colorful discovery bins on her blog called, Study-at-Home Mama. You can find an amazing blog post on emotions called - "Emotions Sensory Bin." Enjoy! Pictured below are a few red blocks for Little Bee to stack. It is important at this young age to not give the whole set of blocks. Keep it simple with just a few.
This is a simple and fun activity for a 16 month old. Cut a small hole in a plastic container and give your child a few pom-poms! This activity was inspired from Kimberly on her amazing blog called, "Natural Beach Living." Check out some of her fun spring activities here for a toddler. Below, Little Bee also used his eye-hand coordination to insert a long red stick into the hole.
I created a delightful reading corner for Little Bee. It has been so much fun to sit and read about colors. Below are three books we are reading this week to celebrate color! There is a book called, "Colors * Colores" that is written in both English and Spanish by Eric Carle. We are also reading the books, "I like Fruit" and "Sassy Baby Loves Colors."
Little Bee has enjoyed learning about how legos work. I thought maybe he was too young for this activity, yet he surprised me. He could easily pull the legos apart and he could also, with a little help, put them back together again.
Above is our Montessori shelves for this week, which are located in Little Bee's bedroom. On the shelves we have several activities for sorting colors and shapes. For more information on these fun color sorting activities visit, Our Toddler Montessori Shelves.
To end our study on the color red, we visited the park and found this delightful red lady bug to ride! Please share your thoughts on our study of RED in the comments below. Do you have a color RED activity to share?

LOVE this! I can’t see most of the pictures for some reason but I got the idea from your descriptions. I am going to use some of these as I set up our home school stuff this year.
A lot of work! Very creative and so wonderful!
Thanks for the shout-out! Your shelves are wonderful and inviting — that was something that took me a while to figure out!
This is a great way to introduce colours!
I love the creativity here! I also appreciate your activities – they are age appropriate and creative, BUT utilize items from around the house! Pinned!
I just came across this, so helpful. How long do you take to introduce one colour? Over a course of a day or a week etc
I introduced one color over several weeks. We just had fun with it and when my son got bored, then I moved on to something else.