Toddler Montessori Shape Lessons
This was a fun unit to put together for Little Bee. There are over 10 Montessori shape lessons in this unit to explore and enjoy with your little one.
The first thing I did was find objects around the house that represented the shapes of round, square, and triangle. It was a challenge for me to find several triangles! It's wonderful to remember while teaching shapes to your children, to apply the shapes practically into everyday life.
I invented a gross motor shape sorting activity for Little Bee by cutting big shapes out of cardboard. Daddy held the shapes and then I asked Little Bee to bring me a shape by name. This encouraged Little Bee to recognize which shape to choose and then transport it across the room to me.
This is Little Bee's "Montessori Shape Unit" shelves displayed in the living room.
On Little Bee's shelves I designed three textured shapes for him to explore. I used a rough fabric and buttons to accentuate the shapes. Below are several "authentic" Montessori shape sorting toys that Little Bee really enjoys.
Little Bee has also mastered several shape puzzles.
I designed this activity out of poster board and cabinet knobs held in place with a short screw. Little Bee enjoyed finding the matches to each shape and then painting with the shapes.
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This is so fabulous!!!! I especially love the fabric shapes and buttons. You can see him in the picture tracing the shape. Adorable!
We have a million shape puzzles my kids can never have enough. I LOVE the the game you did with Little Bee I will be trying that with Aria when she’s old enough :] Pinned!
Thanks for the sweet comment! Have fun!
I pinned this. Very cute. Do you buy this stuff or do you make it? It looks so professional.
I made most of these crafts!
I love these ideas of Montessori toys! My son’s first Montessori toy we started using was a diy toy I made from supplies we had laying around the house and my son loves it! He will constantly bring it up to me for us to play with. It was so easy to make and took me not even 20 minutes to make.
Love these crafts!