I'm very excited to take part in co-authoring this special Learn with Play book that has 94 authors from the Kid Blogger Network and over 150 learn with play activities for kids! The activities in this book are fun and easy to put together for babies to kindergarten aged children. It really is an amazing book to have on your shelf for year round fun and learning!
The Book Includes:
- Fine Motor Skills
- Sensory
- DIY Toys
- Play Recipes
- Busy Bags
- Imagination Play
- Color Learning
- Math
- Shapes
- Science
- Literacy
- Life Skills
- Area Organization
- Year-Round Holiday Activities
Look Inside the Book
In both the Kindle and ebook versions of Learn with Play each activity has 2 more links to more awesome ideas on the author’s blog. The print book has the url to the the author’s blog where you can explore.
Look inside the book on Amazon!
How the Book is Organized
Launch Special - $5 off ebook 
Buy Your Copy Today
For the first week of the book’s release we are offering a $5 discount on the eBook!
eBook - $9.95 for July 7-14, 2015 (Next week it will go back up to US$14.95)
Kindle $14.95
Paperback $29.95

Hi! How to get this book? I’m from Malaysia..
Hi! Thank you for your inquiry about the Learn with Play book. Here is the Amazon link to buy a paperback or kindle version.