This is a wonderful collection of hands-on Montessori inspired "Children of the World" activities. This is part of the "12 Months of Montessori" series and this month is focusing on culture.
This unit study includes a "Children of the World" matching game, pretend play, foreign language "Greeting" song, skin tone sensory play, continent work, and an example of an African continent box.
"Children of the World" Matching Game
This beautiful "I Never Forget a Face!" matching game is wonderful for memory work. I love the artistic representation of each child from the various countries around the world. The age recommendation for this puzzle is 5 years and up. Since Little Bee is 2.5 years old, I selected 9 pairs for him to match.
Small World Faces Pretend Play
These adorable "Small World Faces" are a creative hand-ons way to learn about children from around the world. These faces are meant to be used with a group of children.
Each cultural face has a story that can be read as the child holds the face while standing in front of the other children. A couple songs that can be sung with these cultural faces is - "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "It's a Small World After All."
Foreign Language Greeting Song
This is a happy song saying "Hello" in different languages from around the world.
Skin Tone Sensory Play
A great way to learn about the variety of skin colors from around the world, is to use these people play dough mat printables (laminated) and to make DIY skin toned play dough.
Little Bee and I enjoyed matching the play dough shade to the people mats. Then we shaped and molded the play dough into the shape of a person.
Next we created cultural play dough faces with a sensory tray filled with loose parts. The sensory tray included various colored pipe cleaners for dark and light hair, lips, pom pom noses, goggly eyes, and a pair of glasses. I formed the three faces below as an example for Little Bee of the various cultural faces that can be created.
Little Bee created his own version and apparently he loves a face with lots of eyes!
"Children of the World" Continent Work
I found this fabric map of the world at Joann Fabrics and the Montessori felt map of world continents on Etsy. The cut out felt continents do not match up perfectly with the fabric map, but it's close enough for me. Another homeschooling mother tediously cut out each of the continents from the fabric map to create a perfect match. That is too much work for me at this time, but it is a more affordable option if you are looking for one.
Little Bee enjoyed matching these gorgeous children of the world printables to their matching continent. Each photo has a circle image of the continent the child is from. This work is an easy color and shape recognition matching game for a toddler. Plus, Little Bee is learning about the cultural differences of the various children of the world.
African Continent Box
These children of the world printables are perfect for storing in our geography continent boxes. I punched a hole in the corner of each card and attached a metal ring to create a little book of children. This was a beautiful addition to our African continent box!
Please also visit ~ Montessori Continent Learning Activities
Follow Mama's Happy Hive's board Geography Unit Study on Pinterest.
Easy Ways to Teach Montessori Culture (Free Printables) | Natural Beach Living
Montessori Culture: Holidays & Observances during the Calendar Year {Free Printables} | The Natural Homeschool
Montessori Cultural Areas and Activities for Multi-Level Learning | Living Montessori Now
Learn about North America with kids | Kids World Travel Guide
DIY Montessori Flag Pin Map | The Kavanaugh Report
Children of the World Activities | Mama’s Happy Hive
Montessori Culture 3-6 Checklist | Sugar Spice and Glitter
Cultural Landmarks around the World (Free Printables) | Home School Give Aways
Culture & Traditions of People Around the World | The Pinay Homeschooler
Culture Studies: Finding Topics | Grace and Green Pastures
If you want to continue working on this issue at home, I recommend these products:

It looks like you both had so much fun with these activities! I love seeing the smiles while working. I couldn’t help but giggle at the play dough face creations. They look absolutely adorable. You’ve included so many fabulous activity ideas here!
Wonderful ideas! I can see that you guys had a lot of fun!
I love this! Such a wonderful thing to teach. The puppets are my favorite!
I love the skin tones play dough idea. I don’t think Z has noticed it yet when we did our virtual tours on Google Image, but I think this might spark some questions!
Oh! This is so cute! I love the variety of activities that you do. Very inspirational!
So many great ideas! I love the skin tone dough and the faces game.
Pictures of children of the world is amazing! I love your continent box too. I miss those days where I am so organized and kept everything in one box, now they’re everywhere! I can’t wait to start cultural lessons with Vito. Soon! Thank you for the inspiration.
I am happy Little Bee liked the cards with children around the world! The activities you use are wonderful. It is always a pleasure that children enjoy learning about kids from other cultures so much.
P.s. the face with million eyes is so funny