I will share five simple Montessori Counting Activities for children ages 2 years and up! The five Montessori inspired activities are: counting using sandpaper numbers and red counters, counting with themed objects, tracing and stamping work, sensory sand tray, and play dough.
Montessori Number Counting Mats
These mats were designed to be used with the Montessori sandpaper numbers and counters. The mats include the numbers 0-10.
Materials Needed:
- Montessori Number Counting Mats - Laminated and Cut
- Montessori Sandpaper Numbers
- Red Counting Circles
- Themed Objects - small erasers, decorative objects
- Dry-Erase Markers
- Dot Markers
- Stamp Markers
- Sensory Sand Tray
- Play Dough
Counting Themed Objects for Toddlers & Preschoolers
My daughter, Sweet Bee, is 2 years old and is beginning to understand the concept of counting. She enjoys songs that include counting on her fingers or counting objects of interest. She is not ready for the sandpaper numbers yet, but she is fascinated with tiny objects. She also is in the sensitive period for order.
When I introduced these Montessori counting mats to Sweet Bee, she was instantly attracted to them and she loved the tiny pumpkins I gave her for counting! She placed the pumpkins very carefully onto the black circles. We counted the pumpkins together. Then we placed the green sandpaper number card onto the matching square on the mat. We also used tiny autumn leaves for counting.
- Use any counters that you wish to place on top of the circles (rocks, buttons, small erasers, shells, bears, Montessori red dots, other)
Tracing and Stamping Work
My son, Little Bee, is 5.5 years old and is practicing writing his numbers almost everyday. He has moved past counting the numbers 0-10 and is now working on counting to 100! However, he still has fun writing and tracing. These mats can be used for writing and tracing by using a dry erase marker over a laminated pocket. Or using a regular marker over tracing paper.
Other ways to use these mats is to have fun with dot markers 0r stamp markers.
Sensory Sand Tray
Little Bee and Sweet Bee both enjoyed discovering the number mats hidden under the sand in our writing sand tray. Little Bee carefully uncovered each dot and then traced the number 8 in the sand. Most children love the sensory experience of a sand tray and it is another fun way for them to learn their numbers.
Play Dough Number Counting Mats
Play dough is another awesome sensory experience that most all children love! These mats work perfectly with play dough for rolling "logs" for the numbers and rolling balls for the counters. Enjoy!
Other ways to use these mats:
- Shape yarn to match the numbers and cut corresponding pieces of yarn for each circle
You can purchase these beautiful Montessori number counting mats in our "Learning with Play" shop!
Click here -> Montessori Counting Mats - Numbers 0-10
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I went to the Shopify site to order the Montesorri Counting Mats for my granddaughter. The site processed my payment through Apple Pay. It did not take me to any page to enter a shipping or billing address. Nor was there any contact information. The payment showed up with my credit card provider, immediately. It does not show up as a payment under Apple Pay. No shipping address means no mats?
Hello Ruby, So sorry about this! This is a downloadable PDF. Nothing is shipped. Please email me at mamashappyhive@gmail.com and I will send you the document. Take care, Vanessa