One of my New Year's Resolutions is to make a meal plan every week and cook more consistently for my family! I thought one way I could be motivated to do that was by dedicating a blog post every week towards that goal.
Each week I am going to aim to share with you a kid in the kitchen tip and/or a kid friendly recipe. My first tip for getting a toddler involved in the kitchen is by collecting toddler safe kitchen tools. Below is a list of kitchen tools that I have purchased for my toddler. Please note, I still have several kid friendly kitchen items on my wish list. Most of these tools were found at the Goodwill, on the Facebook group called - Montessori Materials for Sale, Target, Amazon, IKEA, and more stores.
Montessori Kitchen Tools
- Small cheese grater (Or for carrots if you don't eat cheese)
- Banana slicer
- Small kid sized spatulas
- Butter knife
- Plastic knife
- Small kid sized juicer
- Vegetable Peeler
- Funnel
- Small kid sized wooden spoon
- Baster for transfer activities
- Small kid sized containers for pouring
- Different sized tongs
- Scoop
Please visit the following blog posts to see how we use these Montessori Kid Kitchen Tools in our home:
6 Practical Life Skills Kitchen Activities
Montessori Toddler in the Kitchen
Fall Harvest Recipes: Montessori Style
This week I would like to highlight some wonderful Kids in the Kitchen Pinterest boards from several of my favorite Montessori bloggers.
Jennifer's In the Kids' Kitchen
Follow Vanessa @'s board Healthy Food for Kids on Pinterest.

That little banana slicer is oh so cute!! And this is such a fun link up idea!
I love the teeny cheese grater.
My kiddo loves to be in the kitchen, what a great idea to give him his own set of tools. 
Oh my son would have a blast in your kitchen! I will have to purchase these soon. I love it when he helps in the kitchen! It builds his confidence and we bond:)
Thanks Crystal!
I’ll try to add links for all the tools soon. 
Great post! I was just thinking of doing something similar ?? I have most of the same tools, but clearly I need an avocado keeper and those bowl covers!