Ever since Little Bee was a baby, I involved him in "Music Together" classes and exposed him to classical music at home. Unfortunately, I can not play an instrument and that saddens me. However, I was involved in choir throughout high school and college. My husband plays the guitar and also enjoys singing with me. Although my musical background is limited, I still plan to do my best to awaken a love for music in Little Bee's heart. My hope for him is that he will surpass his parents and excel in the musical world. This post is part of the 12 Months of Montessori Learning series and is an introduction to Montessori inspired music for young children.
Music Shelves
On our Montessori shelves this week we have an array of musical instruments to play and learn about. Little Bee has a child-sized guitar, musical bells, CD player, symbols, wooden zylophone, wooden frog, and several rhythm sticks.
Musical Hand Bells
I bought these beautiful Rhythm Band 8 Note Metal Hand Bells on Amazon and this amazing felt educational musical notes set from the "Happy Felt World" Etsy shop. I set up the felt notes on the music mat and encouraged Little Bee to match the colored bells to the matching felt notes. He enjoyed ringing the bell and then matching it to it's corresponding colored note. Although, he can't read the letters of the notes yet, this activity still gives Little Bee a visual image that correlates with a sound because of the matching colors. As Little Bee gets older, we will build on this foundation. To learn how to make your own musical note mat and for more ideas on how to use these hand bells - please visit, Preschool Handbells from the blog Imagine Our Life.
Rhythm Sticks
Little Bee enjoys playing with his musical rhythm sticks. There are so many fun ways to play rhythm sticks and create different sounds, especially if there is one smooth stick and one ridged stick. Here are a couple YouTube videos as inspiration for playing the sticks.
In the photos below, Little Bee is using his sticks to create different sounds. He drums them on the ground, plays them like a violin, rubs them together, gently taps them behind his back, plugs his ears (I'm not sure what sound that makes - LOL!), and vigorously taps the sticks together in front of him.
Comparing Sounds
Little Bee loves to play his guitar just like Daddy does. He enjoys sitting down with his guitar and plucking the strings. We talked about the sound the guitar makes - kind of a "plung" sound. Then Little Bee played his wooden frog and it made a deep "croaking" sound. Next he played the wooden zylophone and it make a light "clacking" sound. Finally we played the loud "clanging" cymbols. We had fun comparing the sounds of the different instruments and attempting to explain what they sounded like in words.
MP3/CD Boombox
I bought this Axess MP3/CD Boombox from Amazon for Little Bee to enjoy playing different CDs that he loves. (Side note: I can honestly give this boombox 5 stars because it has already survived a near death experience from the toddler dumping an entire cup of water into the top of it! Yep! It still works! Little Bee has learned that nothing goes into the "cool" black box except CDs. He is respectful of that now after a long talk.) I gave him a few CDs that I wasn't worried about if they got scratched. I also plan to burn several CDs with classical music for him to pick and choose to listen to as he desires. I want to see if he will develop a preference for a particular sound of music.
Little Bee is able to easily open this CD player and close it. I taped an orange arrow on the front pointing to the play button so that Little Bee can remember which button to push to play his CD. He also knows where the volume on the CD player is. I encourage him to keep the volume at an enjoyable level and not too loud. This is still a work in process! LOL!
This darling mini piano was what I plunked on as a child. My mother played it beautifully and it holds special memories for me. Now I have inherited it and Little Bee is carrying on the tradition of "plunking" on the piano. I colored coded the notes on the piano keys to match our lettered felt note set that was used with the hand bells. It may not mean much to Little Bee yet, but one day I hope this will be a hands-on visual guide for him. He really enjoys "plunking" on the keys for now.
In the future, my plan is to join Little Bee when he starts piano lessons. I want to learn to play along side my little boy. I think it will be a challenging and amazing experience that I look forward to tackling!
Thank you for your visit! Please make sure to visit all the other amazing blogs listed below for more inspiration on ways to implement Montessori music in your home.
Follow Mama's Happy Hive's board Music Learn & Play on Pinterest.
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Every Star Is Different ~ Grace and Green Pastures ~ The Pinay Homeschooler

What a great post! Your Montessori music shelves look beautiful and absolutely perfect for a toddler. (I’m super envious!) I love the idea of color coding keys to match the colored felt note labels. I bet you Bulldozer would benefit so much from that. I just need to figure out how to color the keys without adhesives. (Bulldozer has a life threatening allergy to adhesives.) Oh and the CD player story was great. I couldn’t help laughing. I’m looking for a new player myself, so it’s good to know the one you have will hold up!
Yep! We have to be “real” about the behind the scenes adventures! LOL!
I love your music shelf setup — so simple and appealing! Your lettered felt note set is so genius, I have to do it when we’re ready to dive deeper into music education. Thanks!
Thank you! I love the felt note set!
I love this! i taught elementary music for 5 or so years when i was a lower elementary teacher. It was very expereiential and sensorial like your experiences and if the students had had your experiences they would have really had a great foundation!!
Thank you so much, Kelly! That is really encouraging.
I love your setup! I like the idea of getting a CD player for my kids to access. And I might have to look into your model if it can survive that!
Such an inspiring setup! I hope my children will enjoy piano in the future too. It’s such a versatile instrument. I wish I had learned when I was younger.
What a great post
I love the photos of Little Bee playing guitar
The idea of colour coding the notes & piano keys is so useful!
What a fun exploratory post! I loved all of the activities Bee was exposed to!
Oh, and I love your new blog design!
Thank you!
This is just fabulous Vanessa! I will refer to this in the future when Vito’s of right age. I love how I can make your activities as inspiration and resources for my little one. So many creative ideas and resources!
Thank you, Jae!
I have the same background (or lack thereof) with music – and am sometimes at a loss with how to teach it to Miss G. We did the same thing to our mini piano – colours and letters. Thanks for the boombox recommendation – I’ve been searching for one that is kid-friendly for quite a while!
You are welcome!
I’m glad I am not the only one with this background… 
Oh my! Great post! Pinned and tweeted. Please join us tonight at 7 pm, and party with us. I can’t wait to see your new masterpieces or amazing classics! Lou Lou Girls
Thank you!
These are so lovely! I was looking at these with my toddler and he was so intrigued by the instruments and asked what each one was .. I’m definitely inspired to adapt a lot of these for my little man!
Wonderful! I am so glad you enjoyed this post on music.
So cute! Do you mind telling me what kind of tape you used on the piano and keys and would you recommend it?
Hello Lyrica,
I have found a lovely self-teaching piano guide for kids. Please check out Piano-K by Victoria Mandly. This guide includes stickers for the keyboard or piano.