The last couple of weeks, Little Bee and I have enjoyed our creative Montessori shelves with an emphasis on the color yellow. We have fun finding simple Montessori activities found in our home that engage Little Bee with developing his fine motor skills. I am introducing Little Bee to this bright color and with each activity we talk about yellow! You can read more about how we Montessori - here.
Activity One: Flower Arranging
Flower arranging is a very popular Montessori activity!
Activity Two: Yellow Star Sensory Bin for Exploring
Activity Three: Opposites - Big & Small Matching
Activity Four: Match the Dots!
Activity Five: Let's Play Music!
I love to collect unique musical instruments. I found an owl hooter and a wooden frog that make a sound just like the real living creature! I gathered all the instruments together that had a yellow emphasis or at least were made out of wood. I included this activity on our yellow Montessori shelves because it adds music into our theme.
Activity Six: Threading Large Beads onto Straws
This activity is great for young toddlers because it is easier to manage a straw for threading compared to a "floppy" string. Little Bee is not at a developmental age to capably manage threading beads onto a string yet. However, he can thread a large bead onto a straw!
Activity Seven & Eight: Fun Wooden Truck with Holes for Straws & Color Card Matching Game
Isn't this wooden truck amazing that I found at Goodwill? The holes in the bed of the truck can also hold eight crayons!
Little Bee and I enjoyed this delightfully fun color matching game using a stuffed animal giraffe and plastic duck that matches the correct color card. The two shades of yellow displayed below are "giraffe yellow" and "duckling yellow." For more information on these amazing color cards, visit - Pantone Color Cards.
Change It Up!
At the end of the week I like to change our shelves up a bit! I added a "Jonah & the Whale" activity to our shelves. Check this fun activity out here!
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Love it!! Pinning now!
The flower arranging idea is so clever!! Nice! And pinned.
Love the ideas! I love that they work well for his age but would also work for older toddlers as well.
Love the colour yellow. It is so bright and cheerful. Love it!
Love the “making music with animal sounds” and the big and small matching for 16 month olds! Very universal.
So many great ideas! I love how colorful it all feels even though you only focused on yellow.
I love these ideas! We’re just starting to integrate Montessori into our lives, and will definitely try out a few of these activities.
Wonderful! I am glad this post could be an inspiration to you as you begin your Montessori journey.