This "Spring Baby Bird Craft" has been on my mind for over a year and we finally took the time to put it all together to share with you! Little Bee loves transfer activities. He loved them when he was 2 years old and he still loves them at 5 years old! This fun messy little craft has loads of personality and learning opportunities. It includes sensory play, fine-motor skill development, and artistic expression. Every child is sure to love this baby bird craft activity! Enjoy!
Spring Baby Bird Craft Materials Needed:
- 3-4 Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
- Paper Plate
- Shredded Paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Store Bought Feathers
- Goggly Eyes
- Tan Construction Paper
- Twine
- Beans
- Bowl
- Spoon, Tweezers, Tongues
Create a Nest and the Baby Birds
The first step is creating the nest for the baby birds. We got our fingers messy and sticky by spreading the glue all over the paper plate. Then we patted down the shredded paper onto the glue on the plate.
Next we cut the feathers into smaller pieces so that they were easier to glue onto the empty toilet paper roll. We glued as many feathers as we possibly could get onto each TP roll! Some of our baby birds had quite the colorful plumage!
The next step was cutting two triangles out of the tan construction paper for each bird. We glued the triangles onto the inside top part of the TP roll. I simply placed a line of glue along one side of the triangle and pressed it firmly into place. Lastly we glued the goggly eyes onto the baby bird. Little Bee made one silly bird with a bunch of eyes! If you look closely at the photos, you may find our silly bird!
Transfer Activities for Feeding the Baby Birds
After all the sticky messy fun of crafting our baby birds, Little Bee enjoyed feeding the birds. Little Bee cut small pieces of twine to represent worms. We also used beans to represent bugs. You can draw little insect faces onto the beans with a magic marker if you wish. Then Little Bee used his tweezers (or tongues) to transfer the worms into the baby bird's open mouth. He also carefully spooned great big mouthfuls of bugs into their mouths as well. When the baby birds were filled up with worms and bugs, Little Bee picked them up and got a real kick out of all the poop they left behind.
We also worked on other bird related activities for our fun bird unit! We thought our crafted baby birds looked like a Painted Bunting. What do you think? Or a parrot... maybe?
Common Backyard Birds 3-Part Card Printables
I created a series of common backyard bird 3-part card printables for Little Bee to use with his Bird Safari Ltd TOOB. He matched the figurine to the card, the picture of the bird to the matching picture, and also matched the names of the birds.
You can find these printables on ~
Mama's Happy Hive - Teachers Pay Teachers Shop!
This bird printable pack also includes the life-cycle of a Robin and the anatomy of a bird. I created a fun cut and paste activity. Plus, a life-cycle spinner!
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Montessori Nature Tray with Bird-Themed Nest Building and Art Appreciation | Living Montessori Now
Spring Baby Bird Craft | Mama’s Happy Hive
Gardening Ideas for Spring | The Kavanaugh Report
A Walkthrough of Animal Study for Preschoolers | The Pinay Homeschooler
Botany for Kids: Egg Planting Experiment | Sugar, Spice & Glitter
5 Simple Butterfly Activities to Boost Fine Motor Skills - with Free Printables | Uno Zwei Tutu

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